Monday, December 20, 2010

I guess I had mission conference this week.‏

Man! The tabernacle burned up! Sadness! Oh well...was it an electrical fire? I remember from choir that the electricity in that building was terrible.
Well this week has been awesome I just forgot it was. I had mission conference on Tuesday of last week and it was super epic. Pretty much we were able to partake of the sacrament in the Kirtland Temple and it was on a Tuesday. We were able to hear from a couple Stake Presidents in the area. I'm pretty sure the Stake Presidents from Cleveland and Kirtland. Plus a guy named Karl Anderson (Kirtland Patriarch) he's also the church's go to guy on anything Kirtland. Then Sis. Sorenson as well as President. I definitely felt a very welcome outpouring of love from the leadership. It was a really super great experience and I think it'll happen again next year.
We were blessed with 4 new investigators this week which was super wonderful because our teaching pool when I came in basically fell out from underneath us. First of all we've been teaching the Crubaugh's (I think that's how its spelled). They were a referral and seem pretty solid. They are looking for a new church. Then a nice lady named Maddie or Matti I'm not quite sure. We were talking to here last night and I'm pretty sure she said she was a Nun for like 7 years. The coolest thing though is that she said we were kinda different than most church people. Although she'll be harder to meet with she's not totally committed to weekly lessons. But she said she'll read the Book of Mormon because I'm pretty sure we helped her realize that everything we talk about resides on the truthfulness of that book. Lastly we're teaching a Part-Member girl named Kayla Browning. (I'm not sure if she's related to Brock but I doubt it). Mostly we kind of need some sort of strong member foundation for her because she seems to be the only person in her family serious about the church a bit and she's in 7th grade.
I'm not quite sure when I'll be making phone calls. I'll probably make contact around 8-12 Utah time. Not totally sure depending on how that day goes. Because me and my comp. have to share and we've got a lunch and a dinner planned at members house. Our dinner is at the Dickeys and I don't know if I already mentioned this but they've got 16 children and about 7 or so live at home. It's pretty much awesome.
Oh on Saturday we pretty much did an all day service and we helped a member move a bunch of stuff and like 27 washers and dryers. It was intense but we had a good time.
Well I don't really have anything else to say.
Congrats to Amanda for finishing her Chinese mini-mission!
Love you all.
(*)<~Elder Lance Sumsion

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